Gain patient insights like no other
mescreen™ is the first and only mitochondrial efficiency testing platform looking at structure and function of your patient's cells
41 million deaths annually attributed to non-communicable diseases (NCD's) globally
100% of NCD's have mitochondrial disfunction as a core feature
non-communicable diseases can be dramatically impacted by lifestyle changes
Discover patient benefits
Scientific rigor
Understand your patient's mitochondrial efficiency with cutting-edge methods.
Enhance your protocols and strengthen your clinical evidence to affirm patient trust.
Improved patient outcomes
Leverage validated results for better overall patient care.
Data-driven insights
Gain actionable real-time insights into your patient's mitochondrial health.
Provide patient access to a revolutionary test now available through your clinic.
Grow practice economics
Incremental reoccurring revenue and profitability through periodic testing.

Image mescreen™'s proprietary process and analytics puts patient insights like no other into your hands easily and affordably
Guide your patient protocols with real-time insights into what IS happening versus what might happen or has happened.
Other limited methodologies that assess the mitochondrial function - only avaliable in the clinical lab setting.
Might happen
Genetic testing
Has happened
Biomarket, enzyme, chemistry testing
mescreen™ function testing
Mitochondria-based testing that is disrupting the traditional lab testing market.
- Based on 20 years of research by leading scientists
- Used to study effects of time in space by NASA
- Superior science and insights versus other add-in options
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