Healthy mitochondria are the key to maintaining health and vitality

Why include mescreen™ into employee health programs?


Mitochondria function testing has been used to track the effects of the mind, spirit, and body interventions which are known to vary per individual. With mescreen™ you can measure the ongoing initiatives to understand which is working best for your employees.


mescreen™ results help employees and employers target and balance the mix of personalized medicine programs for optimal individual outcomes.


Enhance the employee experience and participation in programs by providing quantifiable data and feedback on mitochondrial and overall health to give employees a reason to continue participation in programs offered.

  • Improve and maintain employee health outcomes and quality of life through regular screening with mescreen.

  • Guide and optimize outcomes of health programs and the individuals participating in them.

  • Support the body by understanding the effects of the mind, spirit, and other programs have on the body.

Mitochondria function measurements are the single most important pieces of information one can have to guide and optimize overall health and wellness

The pilot program

Compare a legacy location with a newly acquired location that has yet to align with the current culture and processes.

  • Run mescreen™ testing on 200 employees at existing facilities in the current program.

  • Run mescreen™ testing on 200 employees at a new facility that has not been introduced to the culture and program.

  • Analyze pilot data to identify patterns that guide future programs, enhance employee morale, and support overall well-being.

Contact Us

Learn more about enhancing employee health initiatives with mescreen™